Recipe Search
Search for recipes using a variety of filters
Use the recipeSearch
query to find recipes that match the search query and a set of optional filters.
Available filters
-- to filter that search for recipes with the same amount of calories.dietaryTag
-- to filter to search recipes by using a specific dietary tags.ingredients
-- to filter to search recipes that contain one or more ingredients.mealTime
-- to filter to search recipes by a determine meal time such asBREAKFAST
-- to filter recipes that have instructions.
This query doesn't automatically filter out recipes that "break" a user's restrictions or program, but you may use the recipe's adherence field to do that. Alternatively, please refer to searchRecipeByNameOrIngredient.
Available Fields
Field | Type | Required | Description |
| String | False | Query string |
| False | Possible Values: | |
| Int | False | Quantity of results |
| Int | False | Maximum preparation time in minutes. Filters out recipes with prep time longer than the value. |
| Int | False | Minimum preparation time in minutes. Filters out recipes with prep time lower than the value. |
| [String] | False | List of tags |
| RecipeMealTime | False | Meal of the day. Possible Values: |
| [String] | False | List of cuisines. Check this list to see all the available cuisines. |
| Int | False | Quantity of ingredients in the recipe |
| Boolean | False | True if the recipe has an image |
| Boolean | False | True if the recipe has instructions. Recipes "from the internet" do not have instructions. |
| False | List of ingredients | |
| String | False | |
| False | Macro and micronutrient ranges | |
| Boolean | False | True if the URL is working. Otherwise displays False. There are meal plans already created show recipes with URLs not working or invalid. This will help users to check recipes before rendering them to an external site. |
| false | Object that filters food according to different criteria. Use this object to filter more than one mealTime and multiple Ingredients. | |
servingQuantity | Int | false | Filter by the number of servings a recipe yields. |
Search by dietaryTag
Search by Macro Nutrients Ranges
Search by Ingredients
Search by Cuisine
Search with multiple filters and no query string
Search for more than one mealtime at the same time
The following example searches for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner recipes.
The following is a recursive example in which the recipes are searched by fish or spicy recipes and breakfast as a mealtime.
Search for multiple ingredients and two mealtimes
The following example searches breakfast AND snack AND which contains milk and bread as a single ingredient OR yogurt