Query to obtain recipes with similar macronutrient distribution
Use the similarCaloriesRecipes query to obtain recipes equivalent in macronutrient distribution as the one provided in the argument. Use the size argument to indicate the number of recipes returned.
If you already have a meal from a mealPlan query, you can use the serving argument to find more recipes. The recipes in the response will also have a serving field to know how many of the total numbers of servings have to be served to keep a similar amount of calories.
The following example returns recipes equivalent to the recipe ID provided in the argument. Since the size parameter is not defined, by default, the number of recipes retrieved is 3.
query { similarCaloriesRecipes( recipeId: "UmVjaXBlOjE0ZGQ1N2ZmLTgxYzgtNGZhNS1iNjA0LTkwZTc0ZTdhNDc3Ng==", numberOfServings: 1 ) { id name serving numberOfServings nutrientsPerServing { calories carbs fat protein } }}