Use the removeMealPlanRecipe mutation to remove a recipe that is associated with a meal plan. Remove either current or past recipes of any day. Note that the user does not remove the mealId; for instance, if the user has a Breakfast meal with an associated recipe, this is removed, and the numOfServings, calories, and maxNumOfServings fields values are 0; however, Breakfast meal as it is will still be listing.
Required Argument
Available Fields
Remove a recipe by a given mealId
GraphQL Example
Get the mealId from the mealPlan query. From the following results the Breakfast mealId
(WVhbDoxNTAzNDIx) from day 7 is chosen:
{"data": {"removeMealPlanRecipe": {"success": true,"message": "Meal was successfully removed" } }}
Once the meal is successfully removed, execute the meal plan query once more. The results will show a null value in the recipe. The rest of the field values related to the meal appear as 0.