Food Filter

The filter object filters the foods according to different criteria. Within the filter object, it is possible to add AND or OR logical operators, these operators are defined as must or should respectively.

How to use logical operators

Use the following syntaxis ask to filter fieldName1 and FieldName2

filter: { must: [ {fieldName1: value1}, {FieldName2: value2} ] }

Use the following syntaxis ask to filter fieldName1 orFieldName2

filter: { should: [ {fieldName1: value1}, {FieldName2: value2} ] }

Add recursive filters by combining must and should operators:

filter: { should: [ {fieldName1: "value1"}, { must: [ {fieldName2: "value2"}, {fieldName3: value3} ] }] }

For example, the above example describes how to filter value1 information or value2 and value3 values. Each value can have a different field type.

Available fields


How to use tags

filter: {
      tags: ["fat-free", "caffeine-free"]

How to use mealTime

The following example filters the information of lunch and dinner meal times. See an example in the recipeSearch documentation.

filter: {
		must: [
			{mealTime: LUNCH},
			{mealTime: DINNER}

The following example filters the information of lunch or dinner meal times.

filter: {
		should: [
			{mealTime: LUNCH},
			{mealTime: DINNER}

How to use ingredients

The following example filters the information by milk OR bread ingredients.

 filter: {
   should: [
			{ingredients: "milk"},
			{ingredients: "bread"}

How to use nutrients

The following example filters the information by food that contains Vitamin A and Folic Acid. The nutrient value can be replaced by using any of the values listed on filed name column of the the Nutrient enum table

filter: {
      nutrients: [
        {nutrient:VITAMIN_A_RAE range: {lte: 100}}
        {nutrient:FOLIC_ACID range: {gte: 10}}

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