Legacy | User's Biomarkers

Mutation used to set the user's biomarker data.

CAUTION: Legacy Endpoint! Please refer to the Custom Attributes documentation for a new and improved way of storing biomarkers.

Create Profile Biomarkers

Use the createProfileBiomarkers mutation to set biomarker data on the user's profile.

mutation {
    hba1c: 3.0
    totalCholesterol: 200
    cholesterolLdl: 200
    vitaminD: 200
    vitaminB12: 100
    cortisol: 20
    ferritin: 200
  ) {

Update Profile Biomarkers

Use the updateProfileBiomarkers mutation to update biomarker data on the user's profile.

mutation {
    hba1c: 3.0
    totalCholesterol: 200
    cholesterolLdl: 200
    vitaminD: 200
    vitaminB12: 100
    cortisol: 20
    ferritin: 200
  ) {

Use the MyProfile query to obtain biomarker and other user profile data.

Last updated

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