Add a Recipe to the Shopping List

Manage Shopping Lists

Use addToShoppingList to add a recipe to the user's shopping list

Available Argument

Available Fields


The following example adds the Fried Rice recipe to the shopping list.

mutation {
  addToShoppingList(recipeId: "bd2f4b0c-83fc-4a45-8b2c-862bb31c85a9") {

Example with Servings

The following example adds one serving of the Fried Rice recipe to the shopping list.

mutation {
    recipeId: "bd2f4b0c-83fc-4a45-8b2c-862bb31c85a9"
    servings: 1
  ) {

If a shopping list is created from a LOW variety meal plan, we suggest using the following logic.

  • If a recipe is present only once in the meal plan —> add the recipe to the shopping list using the default number of servings of the recipe.

  • If a recipe is present more than one time in the meal plan:

    • if recipe's default number of servings (i.e. 2) < number of times the recipe appears (ie. 3) —> add recipe to shopping list with the number of servings equal to how many times it shows up on the meal plan (ie. 3).

    • if recipe's default number of servings (i.e. 4) >= number of times the recipe appears (i.e. 2) —> add recipe with default number of servings.

UI/UX example

This is an implementation example from the Suggestic App.

Add Multiple Recipes to a Shopping list

Available Argument


mutation {
  addRecipesToShoppingList(recipeIds: [
  ]) {

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