Program Details
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to retrieve the details of a particular program based on its id.
Available Fields
Id of the program
databaseId of the program
Name of the program
Author of the program
Notes about the author
Short program description
Full program description
True if the program is categorized as Suggestic Premium
(URL) Book cover-style image for the program
(URL) An image that can be used as a cover for the program
(URL) An image that can be used as a background for the program
Object that contains the different rules (increase, decrease, and avoid) of the program
Get a specific program's detail
Obtaining a program's details by a given Id
program(id: "UHJvZ3JhbTo0NjQ5Y2EzNi1jZTFmLTRmNGItYmU0Zi0yYWJmZDM3MWVjOTY=") {
"data": {
"program": {
"databaseId": "4649ca36-ce1f-4f4b-be4f-2abfd371ec96",
"name": "21-Day Bone Broth Diet",
"author": "Dr. Kellyann Petrucci",
"comment": "As a naturopathic physician and weight-loss specialist, Dr. Kellyann has helped thousands of patients achieve spectacular weight loss and more youthful-looking skin through her bone broth diet. Packed with fat-burning nutrients, skin-tightening collagen components, and gut-healing and anti-inflammatory properties, bone broth is the key to looking and feeling younger than every before. In just 21 days, you, too, can unlock these miraculous results with Dr. Kellyann's delicious bone broth recipes and groundbreaking mini-fasting plan.",
"descriptionShort": "Packed with fat-burning nutrients, skin-tightening collagen components, and gut-healing and anti-inflammatory properties, bone broth is the key to looking and feeling younger than ever before.",
"descriptionLong": "The Bone Broth Diet focuses on improving gut health and reducing inflammation through balanced nutrition and intermittent fasting (mini-fasting). The program focuses on eating whole foods, especially collagen-rich bone broth, while detoxing from sugar, grains, and other toxins. \r\n\r\nWhy 21 days? Your intestinal tract needs about 21 days to generate new and healthy cells. Add in a few more days to make sure your cells have the time they need, and these 21 days are about giving those cells the right raw material (real foods) that will flush out the junk you don’t need, letting your body focus on what it does need. This ultimately means getting the toxins out of the cells and the nutrition into the cells. This is the only true path to looking and feeling your best.\r\n\r\nTwenty-one days is also the time it takes to develop new habits and awareness. This is key for ensuring fast fat burning forever and a super-powered healthy lifestyle program that works above and beyond any other wellness program. That’s what you want: to feel and look killer!",
"image": "",
"cover": "",
"backgroundImage": "",
"isPremium": true
UI/UX example
In the same way, we have code examples, this is an implementation example in which see results of the API execution in the Suggestic App.
Get the Program's Rules
Obtaining the Balanced Diet program's rules (increase, decrease, and avoid) and their details.
program(id: "UHJvZ3JhbTowYWQ0ZTc3YS04ZWRhLTRlOWItYWM4ZS0xYzg0YTJlOGJiNDI=") {
cpcsIngredientGroups {
increase {
decrease {
avoid {
"data": {
"program": {
"name": "Balanced Diet",
"cpcsIngredientGroups": {
"increase": [
"name": "Increase legumes",
"benefits": "Reduce risk of chronic disease",
"description": "Legumes provide fiber, protein, carbohydrate, B vitamins, iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, zinc, and phosphorous. They are naturally low in fat, are practically free of saturated fat, and because they are plant foods, they are cholesterol free as well.",
"simpleExamples": [
"kidney beans",
"pinto beans",
"black-eyed peas"
"name": "Increase poultry",
"benefits": "Improve overall health",
"description": "Poultry products are a great source of protein contain less fat than red meat. Choose poultry without the skin for less saturated fat and cholesterol.",
"simpleExamples": [
"Skinless poultry",
"skinless chicken",
"chicken breast",
"chicken thighs"
"name": "Increase food with good oils and fats",
"benefits": "Improve overall health",
"description": "“Good” unsaturated fats — Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats — lower disease risk. Foods high in good fats include vegetable oils (such as olive, canola, sunflower, soy, and corn), nuts, seeds, and fish. When you cut back on foods like red meat and butter, replace them with fish, beans, nuts, and healthy oils instead of refined carbohydrates.",
"simpleExamples": [
"olive oil",
"safflower oil",
"soybean oil",
"sunflower oil",
"walnut oil",
"corn oil",
"sesame oil",
"cottonseed oil"
"name": "Increase eggs",
"benefits": "Improve overall health",
"description": "Eggs are an excellent source of protein. The egg yolk is concentrated with essential vitamins and minerals like folate, iron, and vitamins A, B-12, D, E and K. Eating the whole egg significantly improves lipid profiles. Choose organic fed free-range eggs from a local farmer for the highest quality egg.",
"simpleExamples": [
"egg whites",
"egg yolk",
"whole egg"
"name": "Increase low-fat dairy",
"benefits": "Improve overall health",
"description": "Dairy products are a good source of protein. Low-fat products without added sugar are the best option. You can also choose non-dairy alternatives such as almond or soy milk. ",
"simpleExamples": [
"Low-fat milk",
"low-fat yogurt",
"low-fat cheese",
"plain low-fat yogurt"
"name": "Increase whole grain products",
"benefits": "Improve overall health",
"description": "Whole grains and cereals should be preferred over refined grains or with added fats and sugars. They are high vitamins, minerals and fiber, and are usually less processed than other grains, keeping more of their benefits.",
"simpleExamples": [
"Whole wheat bread",
"brown rice",
"whole grains"
"name": "Increase shellfish",
"benefits": "Improve brain health",
"description": "Shellfish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which provide great health benefits. Shellfish is also a great source of protein. ",
"simpleExamples": [
"name": "Increase vegetables",
"benefits": "Improve overall health",
"description": "Vegetables are great sources of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They also have a very low glycemic load which helps keep both your blood sugar levels and calorie count in check.",
"simpleExamples": [
"sweet potatoes",
"starchy vegetables",
"dark leafy vegetables"
"name": "Increase fish",
"benefits": "Reduce risk of chronic disease",
"description": "Fish is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, especially cold-water, deep-sea fish. It is a great source of protein and no carbohydrates. However, keep in mind that some fish, especially canned tuna, contain high amounts of mercury. ",
"simpleExamples": [
"name": "Increase lean meats",
"benefits": "Reduce risk of chronic disease",
"description": "In general, red meats (beef, pork and lamb) have more cholesterol and saturated (bad) fat than chicken, fish and vegetable proteins such as beans. Cholesterol and saturated fat can raise your blood cholesterol and make heart disease worse. Chicken and fish have less saturated fat than most red meat. Choose the leanest options, avoiding highly processed, preserved or heavily smoked options.",
"simpleExamples": [
"Flank steak",
"sirloin tip",
"skinless wild duck",
"skinless chicken",
"skinless poultry",
"lean meat cuts"
"name": "Increase herbs and spices",
"benefits": "Improve overall health",
"description": "Herbs and spices contain no calories, have an antioxidant effect, and can be added instead of salt to add flavor to food.\nIn this group coffee and teas are included, due to their antioxidant properties.",
"simpleExamples": [
"green tea",
"herbal teas"
"name": "Increase shellfish",
"benefits": "Improve brain health",
"description": "Shellfish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which provide great health benefits. Shellfish is also a great source of protein.",
"simpleExamples": [
"name": "Increase nuts and seeds",
"benefits": "Reduce risk of chronic disease",
"description": "There is a large amount of evidence supporting that an increased consumption of nuts is beneficial for health. Nuts have a low content of saturated fat, which helps reduce obesity indicators. Nuts also help increase HDL (good) cholesterol and lower (bad) LDL cholesterol.",
"simpleExamples": [
"name": "Increase fruit",
"benefits": "Improve overall health",
"description": "Fruits are a great source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. It is advised to avoid fruits canned in syrup, as well as fruit juices, as these are high in sugar. ",
"simpleExamples": [
"decrease": [
"name": "Decrease food high in salt",
"benefits": "Decrease blood pressure",
"description": "Sodium (salt) increases blood pressure which can increase your risk for heart attacks and strokes. Processed foods are usually high in salt, so prefer natural foods. ",
"simpleExamples": [
"Canned foods",
"condensed soups",
"name": "Decrease saturated fats",
"benefits": "Decrease cardiovascular risk",
"description": "Saturated fats in excess increase cardiovascular risk. Decrease its consumption to keep a healthy heart. \nBe aware that some vegetable sources such as palm oil or coconut products, contain saturated fats, so moderate them.",
"simpleExamples": [
"coconut oil",
"coconut flakes",
"palm oil",
"fatty meats",
"pan drippings"
"name": "Decrease fatty meats",
"benefits": "Reduce risk of chronic disease",
"description": "Fatty and processed meats provide protein, but they are also mayor sources of saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium and calories. Having too much of will increase your blood pressure, cholesterol and weight. Choose lean protein sources to help reduce your risk for heart disease, weight gain and other complications. Avoid highly processed, preserved, and heavily smoked options.",
"simpleExamples": [
"Pork ribs",
"fatty meats"
"name": "Decrease salt",
"benefits": "Decrease blood pressure",
"description": "Salt consumed excessively has been been shown to raise blood pressure. Decrease the use of table salt, if you do consume it, prefer unrefined salt, such as sea or Himalayan salt. You can use herbs and spices, like Rosemary, thyme, parsley, garlic or pepper to add flavor to food. ",
"simpleExamples": [
"Table salt",
"kosher salt",
"sea salt",
"Himalayan salt"
"name": "Decrease cereals",
"benefits": "Decrease Average Blood Sugar level (A1C)",
"description": "Even if in a balanced diet, a whole variety of foods can be consumed, whole cereals and grains with a low-glycemic index should be preferred over those with a high fat content. ",
"simpleExamples": [
"name": "Decrease fruit juices",
"benefits": "Decrease Average Blood Sugar level (A1C)",
"description": "Consumption of fruit juice is not as healthy as most people think. It has a higher glycemic index than raw fruit. Orange juice tends to be worse for you than eating oranges. Consider drinking healthier alternatives such as water or unsweetened tea, or eating a raw fruit instead of drinking fruit juices.",
"simpleExamples": [
"Canned fruit juices",
"artificial fruit juices",
"natural fruit juices"
"name": "Decrease dairy",
"benefits": "Lose weight",
"description": "You should moderate dairy products high in fat in order to keep a healthy weight.",
"simpleExamples": [
"Whole milk",
"full-fat cheese",
"full-fat milk",
"fruit yogurt",
"full-fat cream"
"avoid": [
"name": "Avoid fried food",
"benefits": "Reduce risk of chronic disease",
"description": "Fried food contains high levels of saturated and trans fats which increase your blood cholesterol levels and therefore the risk of heart diseases. This is particularly important for people with diabetes because they already have a higher risk of heart disease. It is important to limit the consumption of these types of food.",
"simpleExamples": [
"French fries",
"fried onions",
"fried eggs",
"deep fried food",
"fried chicken",
"name": "Avoid processed meat",
"benefits": "Reduce obesity indicators",
"description": "Consuming processed meat is bad for your health. Processed meats ar directly related to diseases.",
"simpleExamples": [
"name": "Avoid processed fats",
"benefits": "Reduce risk of chronic disease",
"description": "Eating foods rich in trans fats increases the amount of harmful LDL cholesterol in the bloodstream and reduces the amount of beneficial HDL cholesterol. Trans fats create inflammation, which is linked to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and other chronic conditions. They contribute to insulin resistance, which increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. ",
"simpleExamples": [
"vegetable shortening",
"fried food",
"coffee creamers",
"hydrogenated oil",
"processed foods"
"name": "Avoid sugar",
"benefits": "Reduce risk of chronic disease",
"description": "Sugar consumed excessively increases weight gain, and this with time can become a serious problem leading to obesity, diabetes, having a fatty liver, etc.\nIf you do consume sugar, do it moderately and prefer it in its pure forms such as muscovado, honey or agave syrup. You can also use in moderation, artificial sweeteners or sugar alcohols such as sucralose, stevia, xylitol, etc",
"simpleExamples": [
"Table sugar",
"sugar alcohols",
"artificial sweeteners"
"name": "Avoid processed sugars",
"benefits": "Reduce obesity indicators",
"description": "Sugar in all its forms, being candies, sugary drinks or treats, should be used sparingly. Most added sugar comes from processed and prepared foods. Sugar-sweetened beverages and breakfast cereals are two of the most serious offenders. There’s no nutritional need or benefit that comes from eating added sugar. Avoiding beverages high in sugar will prevent an increase in body weight. Even natural juices like orange juice contain a lot of sugar. It is better to eat the actual fruit, that way you will benefit from the fiber too. ",
"simpleExamples": [
"Sugary treats",
"sports drinks",
"processed juices",
"chocolate bars"
"name": "Avoid alcoholic beverages",
"benefits": "Decrease triglycerides",
"description": "Cutting down on alcohol also reduces your cancer risk. Research has shown that moderate drinking can have some health benefits such as reducing the risk for heart disease. But, moderation is important. This rule has been set to avoid suggesting alcoholic beverages as part of this diet. Limit to less or equal than 1 glass per day.",
"simpleExamples": [
"name": "Avoid sugary beverages",
"benefits": "Reduce obesity indicators",
"description": "Sugary drinks are one of the major determinants of obesity and diabetes, and emerging evidence indicates that high consumption of sugary drinks increases the risk for heart disease. Choose beverages with few or no calories such as water or unsweetened tea.",
"simpleExamples": [
"fruit punch",
"sweetened powdered drinks",
"sports drinks",
"energy drinks",
"soft drinks"
Last updated
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