Swap Meals

Replaces recipes on an existing meal plan

Use the swapMealPlanRecipe mutation to replace a recipe in an existing Meal Plan.

Replace a single recipe on a specific day and meal by using the mealId argument or replace all recipes for every day of the meal plan for a specific meal by using the mealTag argument.

Available Arguments

This mutation is commonly used in combination with the SimilarMacrosRecipe query to replace existing recipes with equivalents.


mutation {
    recipeId: "UmVjaXBlOjA3ZjUxZDM5LTgyMGYtNGU4NS1iNjQzLWUxYTEwNTdjMWI4MQ=="
    mealId: "TWVhbDoxNjMzMw=="
    serving: 2
  ) {

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