Recipe Search by Name or Ingredients
Search for recipes by their name or by ingredients
Use searchRecipeByNameOrIngredient
to find recipes that contain the query string in the name or in the ingredient list. This search is a variation of the recipe search query. This returns back 2 lists of compliant and non-compliant foods.
This query returns two lists of results:
onPlan and otherResults each with a list of the recipe objects.
onPlan list which represents recipes that comply with the user's program and food preferences/restrictions.
otherResults list represents other recipes that match the query but don't comply with the user's program or the user's food preferences.
The main difference between this search and recipeSearch is that this search returns two sets of results, as explained above.
Argument Name
Search's query string. The query is case insensitive. For example, salmon or Salmon should retrieve the same information.
Search by name
In the following example, all the recipes that contain "salmon" or "salad" are searched. Within the query, use as many names or ingredients as required.
searchRecipeByNameOrIngredient(query: "salmon salad") {
onPlan {
otherResults {
"data": {
"searchRecipeByNameOrIngredient": {
"onPlan": [
"id": "UmVjaXBlOjNmMTVmNzkzLTc1ZmQtNGE3YS04MDBkLTIwNGUwZDczYzFkMw==",
"name": "Salmon Salad Power Bowl",
"servingWeight": 232.548569375,
"author": "Suggestic"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOjEzYTFjMjE1LTJmN2EtNGU1Yi05YzczLWQwZTFmNGNkM2EyYQ==",
"name": "Salmon Salad Power Bowl",
"servingWeight": 407.747615625,
"author": "Suggestic"
"name": "Salmon Pasta",
"servingWeight": 208.58928229166668,
"author": "Suggestic"
"name": "Salmon Quinoa Bowl",
"servingWeight": 308.548569375,
"author": "Suggestic"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOjk3Yzk1M2JhLWE2MWQtNGRlYy1hMGYwLTgwMTI1YWM3MWQwYg==",
"name": "Spicy Cauliflower Salmon Medley",
"servingWeight": 632.435115625,
"author": "Suggestic"
"name": "Salmon With Fingerling Potatoes",
"servingWeight": 463.4513054166666,
"author": "Suggestic"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOjlmMGU1NmViLWRlYjUtNGI0NC05Nzc5LTU0OWI5ZGJhYjFkZQ==",
"name": "Salmon Bagel",
"servingWeight": 259.8980925,
"author": "Suggestic"
"name": "Pistachio-Topped Salmon ",
"servingWeight": 219.59713875,
"author": "Suggestic"
"name": "Salmon With Dill",
"servingWeight": 260.09713875,
"author": "Suggestic"
"name": "Salmon Lettuce Wrap",
"servingWeight": 354.8147591666667,
"author": "Suggestic"
"name": "Salmon Lettuce Wraps",
"servingWeight": 297.5138054166666,
"author": "Suggestic"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOjRmNTcyYmY4LWE2NDctNGJjMS1hMWIyLTEwMzkwN2E1MWE5MQ==",
"name": "Salmon With Basil Tomato Sauce",
"servingWeight": 260.83333333333337,
"author": "Suggestic"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOjhhYmY5ZWIwLTgwZDMtNGE1NS1hYTk5LWJlOTU3NmYwNjA1Yg==",
"name": "Salmon With Roasted Carrots And Olives",
"servingWeight": 976.79713875,
"author": "Suggestic"
"name": "Salmon On A Bed Of Fresh Greens",
"servingWeight": 272.59713875,
"author": "Suggestic"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOjI4YmExMzBjLTQ2ZmQtNDQ1Zi1hMmE2LTFkN2I2NTkyMGU0Nw==",
"name": "Salmon And Baby Spinach",
"servingWeight": 251.34713875,
"author": "Suggestic"
"name": "Salmon Gluten-Free Wrap",
"servingWeight": 559.3388054166667,
"author": "Suggestic"
"name": "Broiled Salmon With Asparagus",
"servingWeight": 1680.0304720833333,
"author": "Suggestic"
"name": "Salmon With Bell Peppers",
"servingWeight": 505.5638054166667,
"author": "Suggestic"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOjJmZDM3MTE1LTg3ODgtNDk4Ny05M2RkLWQxNDgzOGUzOGRiMg==",
"name": "Grilled Salmon And Peaches",
"servingWeight": 690.446661875,
"author": "Suggestic"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOjFkMzQ5ODc0LWEzNDItNDNkYy1iMjgxLTgxOGYxMjI3M2FlYQ==",
"name": "Salmon And Baby Kale",
"servingWeight": 272.59713875,
"author": "Suggestic"
"name": "Broiled Salmon With Vegetables",
"servingWeight": 416.946661875,
"author": "Suggestic"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOjNjMTJjYzMxLWQyZDctNDlmMy05ZDdhLWJlMWEyYzA1ZjgzMg==",
"name": "Baked Salmon And Asparagus",
"servingWeight": 465.09713875,
"author": "Suggestic"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOjE3MDkzOWRhLWQ1NjgtNGFkOC04OWFhLWY4YTgzYjE2ZDYzYg==",
"name": "Spicy Cauliflower Salmon Medley",
"servingWeight": 606.247615625,
"author": "Suggestic"
"name": "Apple Salad",
"servingWeight": 286.9125,
"author": "Suggestic"
"name": "Shrimp Salad",
"servingWeight": 555.5,
"author": "Suggestic"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOjU1M2E0ZmZjLTVkNjctNDlhOS05Mzg3LTVlNWJlNDE0MjcwZQ==",
"name": "Salmon With Coconut Creamed Spinach",
"servingWeight": 477.40699053045944,
"author": "Suggestic"
"name": "Salmon On Toast With Apple",
"servingWeight": 347.048569375,
"author": "Suggestic"
"name": "Salmon With Toasted Sesame Seeds",
"servingWeight": 266.09713875,
"author": "Suggestic"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOmNkOTE5N2UxLTk2YzctNDZjZS1hZmU5LTBhMjA1Yzg2NmYyNQ==",
"name": "Smoked Salmon And Avocado Toast",
"servingWeight": 335.3980925,
"author": "Suggestic"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOjFlN2U3MjQ4LWY5ZDAtNGQyYy1iYzA3LWQ3ZmY5N2E4YzVlMg==",
"name": "Chicken Keto Salad",
"servingWeight": 1827.0971387499999,
"author": "Suggestic"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOjg0ZTQ0NDk5LWYxZjgtNGNlNS1iMjE1LWZjZGNmMDk5YmZjOQ==",
"name": "Salmon And Spinach With Coconut Cream",
"servingWeight": 503.747615625,
"author": "Suggestic"
"name": "Salmon With Toasted Almonds And Quinoa",
"servingWeight": 312.09713875,
"author": "Suggestic"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOmVjNWQ5M2M1LWRmYzctNGNlYi04ZmFlLTk5OWFiZjRmNTEwOA==",
"name": "Baked Salmon With Veggies And Olives",
"servingWeight": 922.8980925,
"author": "Suggestic"
"name": "Salmon With Berries And Coconut Dressing",
"servingWeight": 1753.0971387499999,
"author": "Suggestic"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOjlmZDM2ZTcwLWZlMGEtNDc0Yi1iYzkzLTQ5ZDM0NTQ3ZmNhYw==",
"name": "Pan-Seared Salmon And Roasted Vegetables",
"servingWeight": 744.44904625,
"author": "Suggestic"
"name": "Spinach And Strawberry Chopped Salad",
"servingWeight": 584.349523125,
"author": "Suggestic"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOmU4NjY1ZjgyLTg5OTAtNDQyNi04YzVhLTY0ZDRlZWRmOWE4Mg==",
"name": "Apple, Hazelnut And Spinach Salad",
"servingWeight": 342,
"author": "Suggestic"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOmVlZDI0MzRmLTU4MDktNGI3Ny05MGU3LTIwZmIwOWM1Zjc2Yw==",
"name": "Grilled Eggplant With Caponata Salad",
"servingWeight": 578.825,
"author": "Suggestic"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOjE0OTgwNmQ3LTlkZTktNDk5YS1iY2UxLTJmYzBlZGIyMzFiMw==",
"name": "Green Salad With Chicken",
"servingWeight": 443.64713874999995,
"author": "Suggestic"
"otherResults": [
"id": "UmVjaXBlOjdhNzE1MjM2LTI4ZDMtNGI4Ny1iNDIwLWRlMTU3MzllNTgyYQ==",
"name": "Spinach Quinoa Salad",
"servingWeight": 397.1480925,
"author": "Suggestic"
Search by ingredients
In the following example, all the recipes that contain the ingredient "avocado" in their ingredient list are searched.
searchRecipeByNameOrIngredient(query: "Avocado lemon") {
onPlan {
ingredients {
otherResults {
ingredients {
"data": {
"searchRecipeByNameOrIngredient": {
"onPlan": [
"id": "UmVjaXBlOjExZWZjNmUyLTc4MDctNGViZS04YzRlLTk0MmY0NjJmMjQ4YQ==",
"name": "Avocado With Lemon Juice",
"author": "Suggestic",
"adherence": 84.06,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Black pepper"
"name": "Avocado"
"name": "Lemon juice"
"name": "Avocado With Tomatoes",
"author": "Suggestic",
"adherence": 88.05,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Black pepper"
"name": "Complement"
"name": "Avocado"
"name": "Lemon juice"
"name": "Cherry tomatoes"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOmMyZmExYjIzLWJhZTYtNDc4Ni1iNWI4LWI5NWM4MDkyMzQzZQ==",
"name": "Avocado On Toast",
"author": "Suggestic",
"adherence": 39.86,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Avocado"
"name": "Bread"
"name": "Avocado On Toast",
"author": "Suggestic",
"adherence": 39.28,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Cheddar cheese"
"name": "Avocado"
"name": "Toast"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOmZhZTg5MmFmLWRhNTEtNDgyMC1iNDk3LTA2MzUyYjFhNDExZA==",
"name": "Avocado Deviled Eggs",
"author": "Suggestic",
"adherence": 89.05,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Cayenne pepper"
"name": "Cilantro"
"name": "Avocado"
"name": "Eggs"
"name": "Avocado With Tomato",
"author": "Suggestic",
"adherence": 77.55,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Tomato"
"name": "Avocado"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOjRlMjc1Yjg2LTAxYTItNDRkYy1iZThlLTU3YjVhZjRkZDgzYQ==",
"name": "Beef Patty With Avocado Salad",
"author": "Suggestic",
"adherence": 75.49,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Cups lettuce"
"name": "Tomato"
"name": "Beef"
"name": "Coconut oil"
"name": "Avocado"
"name": "Smoked Trout And Avocado Toast",
"author": "Suggestic",
"adherence": 62.83,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Trout"
"name": "Avocado"
"name": "Salt"
"name": "Pepper"
"name": "Tomato"
"name": "Whole grain bread"
"name": "Olive oil"
"name": "Rice Crackers With Avocado",
"author": "Suggestic",
"adherence": 39.86,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Rice crackers"
"name": "Avocado"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOmM5ODMxZjM1LWI1ZmEtNGRlYy1iNWM0LTQ4MzQyODMyMDk4Ng==",
"name": "Radishes With Avocado Dip",
"author": "Suggestic",
"adherence": 84.04,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Radishes"
"name": "Cilantro leaves"
"name": "Lemon juice"
"name": "Avocado"
"name": "Salt"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOmUwMWE5NWI2LTcyYmEtNDc5Zi1hYjgzLWEwMzYzYmQzMzI4ZA==",
"name": "Avocado Slices",
"author": "Suggestic",
"adherence": 69.69,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Avocado"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOjFiMjkxMGI3LWU3ZGEtNDZjNy04NzQ4LTUyODk4OTgxMzJhYg==",
"name": "Avocado, Romaine And Swiss Rollups",
"author": "Suggestic",
"adherence": 76.55,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Romaine lettuce"
"name": "Swiss cheese slices"
"name": "Avocado"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOmY5YzQxOWFmLTQ4MWItNDczYy1iNjg5LWMwYjFiODkyYmJlYw==",
"name": "Beef Patty With Avocado And Veggies",
"author": "Suggestic",
"adherence": 82.31,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Beef"
"name": "Salt"
"name": "Avocado"
"name": "Herbs"
"name": "Coconut oil"
"name": "Lettuce"
"name": "Tomato"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOmRlNTIyNzg2LTEzZWEtNGZiMi1iNGQzLTZmM2E3Njg4OTJiZQ==",
"name": "Avocado On Crackers",
"author": "Suggestic",
"adherence": 68.69,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Crackers"
"name": "Avocado"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOjM2NDVmYWIwLTExNWItNGI2My1iYzlhLWRhYTc0MDE2Mzg2ZQ==",
"name": "Avocado Deviled Eggs",
"author": "Suggestic",
"adherence": 89.05,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Olive oil"
"name": "Cilantro"
"name": "Avocado"
"name": "Cayenne pepper"
"name": "Eggs"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOmE2ODFmNjFlLTcxYzUtNDAwZC1iN2JlLTc1NjFhZjg3MGViNg==",
"name": "Loaded Avocado Toast With Almonds",
"author": "Suggestic",
"adherence": 58.72,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Avocado"
"name": "Whole wheat bread"
"name": "Low-fat cheese"
"name": "Cherry tomatoes"
"name": "Cucumber"
"name": "Almonds"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOmNkOTE5N2UxLTk2YzctNDZjZS1hZmU5LTBhMjA1Yzg2NmYyNQ==",
"name": "Smoked Salmon And Avocado Toast",
"author": "Suggestic",
"adherence": 62.83,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Salmon"
"name": "Olive oil"
"name": "Salt"
"name": "Pepper"
"name": "Avocado"
"name": "Tomato"
"name": "Whole grain bread"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOjIxMzBmM2FmLTFlYTktNGE4ZS04NjhhLTg0YWRjY2ZmMmQzMA==",
"name": "Greek Lemon Chicken With Veggies",
"author": "Suggestic",
"adherence": 92.72,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Chicken breast"
"name": "Lemon juice"
"name": "Olive oil"
"name": "Herbs"
"name": "Olive oil"
"name": "Veggies"
"name": "Olives"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOmJhYmIzZTEyLTYyN2ItNGUzMy04ZGFiLTlmZDllM2I0NmY2MA==",
"name": "Lemon Spinach Rice",
"author": "Suggestic",
"adherence": 46.39,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Olive oil"
"name": "Cups spinach"
"name": "Chicken stock"
"name": "Rice"
"name": "Lemon juice"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOjIyY2YwNjE0LWYzYTAtNDFkMC1hYjgwLWIyZDZhMTQ4MjEwNg==",
"name": "Baked Sea Bass With Lemon Vinaigrette",
"author": "Suggestic",
"adherence": 92.66,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Sea bass"
"name": "Olive oil"
"name": "Parsley"
"name": "Olives"
"name": "Lime juice"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOmFiM2JjNjkyLWIzZTYtNDdmMS1iODczLWViMWJkYjUxNWM2NQ==",
"name": "Quinoa Salad With Avocado And Cheese",
"author": "Suggestic",
"adherence": 53.65,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Quinoa"
"name": "Olive oil"
"name": "Walnuts"
"name": "Avocado"
"name": "White cheddar"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOmY5ZmYwNTk3LTU3MDctNDI4YS1iMmUyLTNmMTllZTcwZGViYg==",
"name": "Avocado And Tuna Salad",
"author": "Suggestic",
"adherence": 89.05,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Avocado"
"name": "Olive oil"
"name": "Celery"
"name": "Lemon juice"
"name": "Tuna"
"name": "Avocado And Tuna Salad",
"author": "Suggestic",
"adherence": 89.04,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Olive oil"
"name": "Cucumbers"
"name": "Celery"
"name": "Tuna"
"name": "Lemon juice"
"name": "Avocado"
"name": "Salt"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOjY5NTFjZWM1LTg4ZmItNDcxMS05ZDA1LWUwNzRkYzYxZWM1Zg==",
"name": "Grilled Chicken, Avocado And Spinach Whole-Wheat Wrap",
"author": "Suggestic",
"adherence": 88.13,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Olive oil"
"name": "Carrot"
"name": "Spinach"
"name": "Chicken"
"name": "Lemon"
"name": "Whole wheat tortilla"
"name": "Avocado"
"name": "Asparagus"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOjg2YjVlYjE5LTJhMWItNDJiYy1iNGU4LWIwNDAxMTkzMTk5ZQ==",
"name": "Greek Lemon Chicken",
"author": "Suggestic",
"adherence": 89.13,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Oregano"
"name": "Chicken breasts"
"name": "Lemon juice"
"name": "Olive oil"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOmZhZWU1Y2Q4LTQ4MzEtNDk4Ny05OWFlLTlkMDBkM2RmMzI1NA==",
"name": "Avocado Lemon Basil Pesto",
"author": "Spabettie",
"adherence": 83.04,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Avocado"
"name": "Lemon basil"
"name": "Fresh thyme"
"name": "Fresh oregano leaves"
"name": "Lemon juice"
"name": "Salt"
"name": "Pepper"
"name": "Water"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOjI3Y2VhM2Y2LWZlODYtNDFhYi04NzE3LWMyNDZlNjY3ZjkyYw==",
"name": "Avocado Toast With Lemon",
"author": "",
"adherence": 83.04,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Slices bread"
"name": "Avocado"
"name": "Salt"
"name": "Lemon"
"name": "Pepper"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOmM4ZjFhZWI5LTdkNjktNDc0YS05MDgxLWFiZjU3N2E2NzUxYQ==",
"name": "Avocado And Lemon Dressing",
"author": "Dr. Kellyann Petrucci",
"adherence": 82.72,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Avocado"
"name": "Lemon juice"
"name": "Lemon zest"
"name": "Extra virgin olive oil"
"name": "Pepper"
"name": "Sea salt"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOmFhMjZlMmZhLTg4NmMtNDEwMi05ZWZjLTJjOGY3M2FhZjI3MQ==",
"name": "Lemon Basil Avocado Quinoa",
"author": "Swirls of Flavor",
"adherence": 62.83,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Salt"
"name": "Basil"
"name": "Quinoa"
"name": "Lemon juice"
"name": "Peas"
"name": "Olive oil"
"name": "Avocado"
"name": "Lemon zest"
"name": "Pepper"
"name": "Avocado, Chive And Lemon Dip",
"author": "",
"adherence": 87.6,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Parsley"
"name": "Pepper"
"name": "Salt"
"name": "Avocado"
"name": "Chives"
"name": "Lemon juice"
"name": "Garlic"
"name": "Yogurt"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOjI5NzNkZWQ5LTI0NzYtNDJmNS05ZmZmLTQ1NGE2YmIzZmZmNg==",
"name": "Lemon Avocado Chickpea Mash [Vegan]",
"author": "One Green Planet",
"adherence": 88.04,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Chickpeas"
"name": "Green onion"
"name": "Lemon juice"
"name": "Avocados"
"name": "Salt"
"name": "Pepper"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOmJhMjY0OWY0LWNjYmItNDY2OC1iZGUwLWQ3MjgwYWFjZmY5Yw==",
"name": "Lemon Dill Avocado Chicken Salad",
"author": "Paleo in PDX",
"adherence": 94.2,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Green onions"
"name": "Avocado oil mayo"
"name": "Dill"
"name": "Salt"
"name": "Black pepper"
"name": "Avocado"
"name": "Chicken breasts"
"name": "Lemon juice"
"name": "Peas"
"name": "Carrot"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOjEwYjQ0ZTFjLTAxZDItNDFkNi1hN2Y2LWU2ZmUxMjZmYThiNg==",
"name": "Lemon Pesto & Avocado Chicken Salad",
"author": "A Sun Shiny Day",
"adherence": 88.12,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Chicken"
"name": "Lemon"
"name": "Salt"
"name": "Pepper"
"name": "Pesto"
"name": "Avocado"
"otherResults": [
"name": "Avocado Lemon Smoothie",
"author": "My Eating Space",
"adherence": 75.11,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Lemon"
"name": "Milk"
"name": "Sugar"
"name": "Lemon"
"name": "Avocado"
"id": "UmVjaXBlOjBhNzU0M2IwLTgzNjctNDMwMC1iNTQ3LWM1NTI4YmRmNDFmNg==",
"name": "Lemon Edamame Avocado Sandwiches",
"author": "Love and Lemons",
"adherence": 61.33,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Purple onion"
"name": "White wine vinegar"
"name": "Cane sugar"
"name": "Sea salt"
"name": "Water"
"name": "Edamame"
"name": "Cilantro"
"name": "Fresh lemon juice"
"name": "Scallions"
"name": "Garlic cloves"
"name": "Garlic powder"
"name": "Olive oil"
"name": "Bread"
"name": "Cucumber"
"name": "Avocado"
"name": "Pickled onion"
"name": "Arugula"
"name": "Lemon Edamame Avocado Sandwiches",
"author": "Love and Lemons",
"adherence": 61.33,
"ingredients": [
"name": "Purple onion"
"name": "White wine vinegar"
"name": "Cane sugar"
"name": "Sea salt"
"name": "Water"
"name": "Edamame"
"name": "Cilantro"
"name": "Fresh lemon juice"
"name": "Scallions"
"name": "Garlic cloves"
"name": "Garlic powder"
"name": "Olive oil"
"name": "Bread"
"name": "Cucumber"
"name": "Avocado"
"name": "Pickled onion"
"name": "Arugula"
Last updated
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