From Scratch

Create a meal plan from scratch

Create a meal plan

To create a meal plan from scratch, click on either one of the two of the following options:

The following meal plan template is displayed:


a. Add a name and a description (optional) to the meal plan

b. Meal Plans are divided into Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snack. In addition, add recipes from Monday to Sunday.

c. Macro weekly average

Add a name and a description

To add a name, click on the meal plan name text and replace it with the name of your meal plan:

To add a description, click on the Add an optional description text and replace it with a description:

Add recipes to each day of a meal plan

To add a recipe, click on the ADD RECIPE option of the desired day and meal day

The following recipes information is displayed on the right side of the screen:

Each one of the recipes includes the following information:

If you search for a recipe, introduce a search term or the name of the recipe. The results display a list of suggestions based on your search:

Add a recipe to a meal day

Then, add the recipe to the selected day, click on the Select option located below the recipe list. Or, if you want to include the recipe to every day, select the Eat everyday option:

Check the macro information

As soon as a recipe is added, the calories and macros for each day appear at the bottom of every day as well as a weekly average at the top of the screen.

When you move the mouse over the graphic pie chart, the information of each macro, Carbs, Protein, and Fat, is displayed:

View the Recipe Information

To view a recipe’s detailed information, click on any recipe in the meal plan, a window is displayed on the right side of the screen with the information of the recipe:

The recipe includes the following information:

  • Name

  • Cooking time

  • Number of ingredients

  • Ingredients List

  • Instructions

  • Nutrition Per Serving

The information of the recipe can only be reviewed for recipes already added to the meal plan.

Below the recipe information, a user is able to swap recipes, click on the Swap recipe option

For more information, check the section below

Remove a recipe

To remove a recipe added to a meal day, click on the x button located at the top left corner of the recipe:

Then save the meal plan, and verify that it has been removed from the meal day.

Swap Meals

Use the swap option to replace a single recipe from a specific day and meal.

Click on the 3 dots option located below a recipe, and click on the Swap Recipe option.

Or select a recipe and then click on the Swap recipe option:

On the right side of the screen, the following list of recipes is displayed:

Pick one of the recipes listed or look for a specific one. Then, modify the number of servings and click on the Select button. Choose if you will replace the recipe or replace it every day. Finally, the recipe is replaced with the chosen one:

Save meal plan as a template

The coach should be able to save the plan with a name and a description and define if to make it public or private.

To save a meal plan, click on the Save meal plan as template option, located at the top of the screen:

The meal plan is saved and displayed in the My Plans section:

Last updated