Meal Plans

Create meal plans that suit your member’s needs.

Create them from scratch, generate and customize an existing meal plan, edit/duplicate a shared meal plan, and swap meals.

The purpose of creating a meal plan is to use it as a template for assigning it to a member. For more information on how to create a meal plan template, refer to this documentation.

Coach meal plan management

A coach is able to execute the following actions:

  • View a user’s existing meal plan

  • View a recipe’s detailed information

  • Swap a meal from the existing meal plan with an alternative recommended recipe or by using the text search.

    • Determine how many servings of the recipe will be added

  • Save the plan with a name and a description and define if it will be public or private

  • Start a meal plan with an empty or a pre-filled plan.

  • Edit, duplicate, and remove a saved meal plan.

  • See his/her saved meal plans as well as public meal plans from the same organization.

Accessing Meal Plans

The following screen is displayed. If this is the first time a user is accessing the meal plans option, the My Plans option does not show any meal plan; instead, the option to add a new meal plan is displayed.

Adding a new meal plan

There are two options to create a meal plan:

Last updated