Create a Lab Test Report

Use the createLabTestReport mutation to create a lab test report.

Required Argument

Available fields

The following fields will be displayed in the response:


Because it is not possible to upload files in the GraphQL playground, the following example creates a lab test report using the Postman tool.

Step 1. Create the mutation

Define the variables and their corresponding values:

{"query": "mutation CreateLabTest($memberId: ID!, $testName: String!, $testDate: DateTime!, $labName: String!, $title: String!, $reportPdf: Upload!) {createLabTestReport(memberId:$memberId testName: $testName testDate: $testDate labName: $labName title: $title reportPdf: $reportPdf) {success message }}","variables": {"memberId": "TWVtYmVyOjVlZDk5MjMyLWNhMTMtNGE2NS05MmIyLWZjMDk4ZjgyOWUwNA==", "testName": "Hormone Testing", "testDate": "2022-02-03T10:01:01", "labName": "Lab Test", "title": "Report Test", "reportPdf": null}}

Note: Replace the memberId with your personal information.


Step 2: Add the URL server, select the POST method and add the Header



Step 3: Add the Body information

Click on the form-data option within the Body option and add the following 3 Key values:

  • operations: Add the mutation defined in step 1.

  • map: Map the files to your mutation.

  • 0: Choose the file type to upload your PDF file.


Request Body

    // Response

The response will be:

 "data": {
    "createLabTestReport": {
        "success": true,
        "message": "Lab Test Report was successfully created"

Within the TeleWellness Portal, the created lab test is displayed as follows:

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